Human Rights Policy
In order to maintain, protect and promote human rights, Etron follows internationally recognized human rights standards such as the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)", "International Bill of Human Rights", "International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work", "United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)" and "United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)". In addition, based on supporting and respecting the laws and regulations of the locations of operating sites around the world and citing the "Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct", Etron has formulated and established related policies and management procedures to protect the rights of all employees of the company (including contracting or temporary personnel, interns, etc.) and to eliminate any violations thereof. At the same time, our supply chain partners are required to follow the same standard and fulfill corporate social responsibilities together with Etron.
Human Rights Commitment
- Respecting human rights in business is fundamental for sustainable development.
- Human rights issues are taken into consideration in all aspects of operations, including employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, and the social environments where Etron’s operations are located.
- Continuous efforts are made to provide diverse and accessible communication channels for stakeholders.
Management Principles
- Etron builds up policies and regulations and executes the internal audit regularly and adopts the Code of Conduct of RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) as management framework.
- According to the RBA audit process, internal and external audits are performed regularly. Fostering a culture of respect for human rights, promoting awareness and training to internal decision-makers, managers, employees, as well as suppliers/contractors.
Overview of Human Rights Issues and Specific Initiatives at Etron Technology
1.Providing a Safe and Healthy Workplace | We conduct comprehensive annual occupational health assessments, including targeted health evaluations for specific projects. Based on the results, we implement a systematic protocol for abnormality classification management to effectively address any identified issues. Employees receive tailored health guidance, and we are committed to enhancing health education related to various diseases. Furthermore, we conduct regular follow-up assessments and implement additional health management measures to ensure continuous monitoring and proactive management of employee health and well-being. |
2.Prohibition of Human Trafficking, Forced Labor, and Child Labor | We adhere to hiring standards that comply with local regulations, respect employees’ rights, and prohibit any form of forced or compulsory labor. |
3.Protecting Employees’ Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights | We conduct regular communication meetings and establish channels for feedback and grievances to assist employees in resolving their issues. |
4.Protecting Personal Data and Information Security | In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act and its implementation regulations, we have established the “Etron Personal Data Management Guidelines.” We conduct regular audits to identify any deficiencies and implement corrective and preventive measures, with the results being reported to the data governance unit for discussion. |
5.Respecting Diversity and Prohibiting Discrimination | We do not tolerate any form of discrimination based on race, socioeconomic status, language, beliefs, religion, political affiliation, place of origin, gender, marital status, appearance, physical or mental disabilities, or prior union membership. All individuals are treated equally and fairly, promoting an inclusive work environment. |
6.Prohibition of Harassment | We have established multiple channels for feedback and complaints, including a dedicated complaint mailbox, a hotline, and an email address, to effectively address any instances of harassment. |
7.Responsible Sourcing and Production | We require key suppliers to sign the “Supplier Code of Conduct for Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development,” committing to comply with the RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) Code of Conduct and to refrain from using conflict minerals. We establish an annual audit plan to review suppliers, promoting continuous improvement in their practices. |
8.Anti-Corruption and Conflict of Interest Prevention | We have established the “Etron Technology Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles” and the “Etron Technology Code of Ethical Conduct” to prevent dishonest practices and mitigate the risks associated with corruption and conflicts of interest. |
The status of human rights protection training in 2024 is as follows: Moving forward, we will actively promote relevant training on human rights issues to enhance awareness among our colleagues and minimize the potential for related risks.
Types of Training | Hours | Participants |
Gender equality Workplace | 15 | 292 |
Health Promotion Series | 8 | 548 |
Cybersecurity advocacy | 2 | 325 |
Protection of Trade Secrets and Personal Data | 4 | 558 |
Occupational Safety and Health | 181.5 | 342 |