Responsible Governance

Responsible Governance

Internal Audit

Organization and Operations

Etron has an independent Internal Audit Office that reports directly to the Board of Directors. There are two full time employees dedicated to Internal Audit including one director and one staff.


The Internal Audit Office aims to assist the Company to achieve its objective by reviewing the adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of the internal control system. To achieve these objectives, the Internal Audit Office conducts audits of the company’s operations and supervises subsidiaries’ operations in accordance with the annual audit plan, which is reviewed by the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis. The internal auditors uphold the spirit of detachment and independence, perform their duties in an objective and impartial position. The appointment, termination, performance appraisal and compensation of internal audit director and staff shall be approved by Chairman, and the appointment and termination of internal audit director must be approved by the audit committee and a resolution of the board of directors must be submitted.


Regular internal audit works are executed according to the annual audit plan approved by the Board of Directors. Such plan will take into account risks that have been identified. Special audits or reviews are conducted as needed to provide management with insights into the implementation of internal control systems and potential deficiencies. To enhance the company’s self-monitoring mechanism, the Internal Audit Office examines the annual internal control self-assessment process and results from departments and subsidiaries. The Internal Audit Office then reviews the self-assessment reports of each department to make timely adjustments to the design and execution of internal control systems in response to environmental changes.