Supply Chain and Envirnoment

Supply Chain and Envirnoment

Sustainable Supply Chain Management (including Conflict Mineral Policy)

Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Etron attaches great importance to and values long-term cooperation with our suppliers, and extends the scope of sustainable supply chain management to corporate social responsibilities such as economy and governance, environmental protection, and social co-prosperity, including labor rights, environmental protection, safety and health, ethics, and management systems, all of which are included as prerequisites for key supplier selection and audit. In this way we can establish risk management and control and identify high-risk suppliers, formulate and implement improvement measures based on the assessment results and assist suppliers in continuous improvement, hoping to improve the effectiveness of sustainable supply chain management and reduce supply chain operation risks, to establish a partnership that can grow sustainably. And through localized procurement to improve supply flexibility, shorten new product development time, and reduce production costs, in order to reduce the overall supply chain transportation carbon emissions.


  • 關鍵供應商聲明書簽署率100%
  • 關鍵供應商相關認證的取得率
類別 ISO9001
晶圓廠 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
封裝廠 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
測試廠 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Conflict Mineral Policy

Non-Use of Conflict Minerals Declaration

Non-Use of Conflict Minerals Declaration

"Etron promises not to accept or use metals originated from conflict mining areas, and clearly communicates to suppliers and subcontractors that Etron does not support and does not use ""conflict minerals"" from armed, illegal mining and poor working environments. In accordance with Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, Etron also conducts due diligence survey on our suppliers and subcontractors with respect to the information of ""DRC Conflict-Free"" minerals of tantalum (Ta), tin (Sn), gold (Au), tungsten (W), cobalt (Co)'s contained in our products and disclosure of its smelter information."