3D Sensing Modules

3D Sensing Modules

3D Sensing Modules (/3D Camera Solution)

eCapture depth camera modules provides end-to-end service from integrated circuit design to ready-to-use products. We work closely with clients to determine what they need. Aiming at the robot application, our target customers need a complete solution rather than a component, i.e., a design module for 3D sensing along with the SDK and the middleware algorithm for their validation. The turnkey solution is our positioning and competitiveness in this industry.


All of our depth camera is embedded with our Depth IC. We have an ASIC that can generate real-time HD quality of depth information to save LOTS OF CPU/Memory resources.


We have different configuration of the depth camera —  different baseline (distance between the two imagers) and different field-of-view (the viewing angle of the camera).

  • Depth IC - Calculate pixel-wise depth map by ASIC
  • Interleave mode - Output RGB/Gray image and depth map alternatively from depth sensor
  • Active Stereo - Enhance the robustness of depth map by IR dot projector
  • If grey-shaded in the table, indicates older generation products, NOT recommended for new designs
Product Name Base Line Depth Range HFOV Shutter Datasheet
eCapture Depth Camera D60i 5.5cm 30-605cm 60゜ Global Contact Us
eCapture Depth Camera R50 6.0cm 40-400cm 50゜ Rolling Contact Us
eCapture Depth Camera R61 3.0cm 15-330cm 60゜ Rolling Contact Us
eCapture Depth Camera G50 6.0cm 40-400cm 50゜ Global Contact Us
eCapture Depth Camera G53 3.0cm 10-160cm 53゜ Global Contact Us
eCapture Depth Camera G100 6.0cm 15-320cm 100゜ Global Contact Us